Iron bolus

Artikelnummer: 102058
Inhoud: 20 x 15g
€ 22,35 excl. VAT
€ 24,36 incl. VAT
In stock

Product description

Many calves are born with low iron stores in the body. Breast milk often contains too little iron to make up for this deficiency. An iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which means that too little oxygen is transported through the body. The result is that calves are less vital, eat and grow less and have a dull coat. One way to replenish the body’s iron stores is by administering the Topro Iron bolus.

Topro Iron bolus 

The bolus contains iron in chelate form, which is optimally absorbed by the intestines. In addition, it contains vitamins A, B6, B9, B12, C and E. Due to the modern production method, the Topro Iron bolus is a compact bolus with a high concentration of active ingredients. The Topro Iron bolus has the following dimensions: Ø 15mm, thickness 11.4mm.

Instructions for dosage and use

1 bolus per newborn calf. From day one; preferably immediately after the 1st colostrum intake up to a maximum of 3 weeks old.

Additional information

Item number


Target animal



To compensate for iron deficiency after birth


1 bolus per newborn calf


Orally, via bolus applicator

Active ingredients

Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E


0 days

GMP+ FSA-secured


Storage advice

Keep cool, dry and out of reach of children, protect from frost


20 x 15g

Iron bolus

Artikelnummer: 102058
Inhoud: 20 x 15g
€ 22,35 excl. VAT
€ 24,36 incl. VAT
In stock