
In poultry farming, animal health is the basis of profitable business operations. This applies to both broilers and laying poultry. At the same time, there is social pressure on the poultry sector to keep chickens as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. Partly because of this, various concepts for poultry are being created to keep broilers and laying hens in a different way.

Hygiene also plays an important role in poultry farming, because optimum performance can only be achieved when the hygiene of the barn, the equipment and drinking water is at a high level.

Good nutrition and hygiene are essential

Within the bio health poultry program the focus is on nutrition and hygiene. Of course, the ration for the animals must be right, but by using the right supplements, digestion and health can be supported even better. It is important that the right products are used at the right time.

Keep poultry healthy

This also applies to hygiene. Drinking water quality in particular requires attention, because it has a major impact on health and performance. Good drinking water quality can be guaranteed by using suitable cleaning and disinfecting agents. However, it is necessary to carefully consider the products to be used. In short; there must be an eye for detail!

We think along with you about every detail, because it’s about details!